Contribute To Own The Crone |
Have something to say? Or some wisdom to share? You are welcome to contribute to Own The Crone.
Contributions are accepted from women over 40 and in their 50's 60's 70's 80's and 90's plus. As a Trans positive space this includes those who identify as women. Diversity and inclusion are important to us and we would like to particularly encourage women from diverse backgrounds to contribute so we can achieve this.
Whether its a personal story, poem, art, or an article about health or yoga in menopause and beyond, please also include; 1 to 3 things you'd tell your younger self.
Please include photos, pictures or illustrations, preferably in landscape format.
You must own any photos or images you include and all work submitted must be original and previously unpublished, please acknowledge any sources of reference if you use them. All submissions will be read however we cannot guarantee your submission will be published. We will contact you within 2 weeks if your submission is accepted.
This is a beginning and we plan to evolve as time goes on. The vision is to give women at midlife and beyond a platform to share with one another, to pass on wisdom and to come together and be empowered by this community. Down the road the format and design may change and evolve, only improving with each step. Please join us along the way. We will link your contribution to your info, website and social media.
Please submit your written piece in the body of an email and attach photos and your Bio and your headshot to [email protected]
Contributions are accepted from women over 40 and in their 50's 60's 70's 80's and 90's plus. As a Trans positive space this includes those who identify as women. Diversity and inclusion are important to us and we would like to particularly encourage women from diverse backgrounds to contribute so we can achieve this.
Whether its a personal story, poem, art, or an article about health or yoga in menopause and beyond, please also include; 1 to 3 things you'd tell your younger self.
Please include photos, pictures or illustrations, preferably in landscape format.
You must own any photos or images you include and all work submitted must be original and previously unpublished, please acknowledge any sources of reference if you use them. All submissions will be read however we cannot guarantee your submission will be published. We will contact you within 2 weeks if your submission is accepted.
This is a beginning and we plan to evolve as time goes on. The vision is to give women at midlife and beyond a platform to share with one another, to pass on wisdom and to come together and be empowered by this community. Down the road the format and design may change and evolve, only improving with each step. Please join us along the way. We will link your contribution to your info, website and social media.
Please submit your written piece in the body of an email and attach photos and your Bio and your headshot to [email protected]