4 Keys To A Conscious Menopause |
"Your experience is your gold. When you recognize the value of your Karma, you can Mine it" ~ Maya Tiwari |
There is a critical mass on the planet right now with more women entering into menopause than at any time before. Peri-menopause and the menopausal stage of a woman's life can feel like stepping into the unknown. It is a time of profound change and transformation on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.
The following 4 simple keys can open the door to an enriched elder life and emotional freedom in our wisdom years.
1. Reflect - on our life experiences without judgement.
Taking time to reflect does not mean going back or living in the past. On the contrary, it gives us a hindsight opportunity to revisit our past and to see how we'd have done some things differently, with the enriched perspective of who we are now. It's an opportunity to acknowledge our past in a loving and kindly way without judgement.
2. Release - letting go of what no longer nourishes us.
Gentle therapeutic yoga and Yin Yoga can support the release of tension, stress, repressed emotions and past trauma. It's also important to let go of 'toxic' relationships and remove anything that keeps us stuck or stagnant, preventing us from being our true authentic self.
It is essential to release what is no longer needed and apply this to all area's of our lives, which means this is an optimum time to clear out closets and old belongings, making space for all that is new to enter.
3. Reclaim - forgotten dreams and life purpose.
Meditate on your lost dreams and hopes, you may want to imagine the people whom you gave away your power to, returning it back to you. This can be symbolic, for instance, you may see your power being returned to you as white doves or colourful butterflies that surround and lift you. Now is the time to reclaim your forgotten gifts and talents. This is often some form of creativity you once enjoyed at one point, that became buried and forgotten when 'life' took over.
It is important to reclaim this creativity back into our lives and nurture and nourish it to feed our soul purpose once more.
4. Revitalize - your vital energy through yoga, health and wellness solutions.
Cooling pranayama breathing techniques such as Sitali breath, and gentle restorative asana practices can be very beneficial for our changing bodies at this time as yoga is a great way to support hormone balance and provides an alternative to hormone therapy.
Do what ever revitalizes you, whether it is to walk, rest and sleep, eat or take more time by yourself. Now is the time to love everything about you, to own your life choices and allow them a space that makes you feel vital and present.
Instead of viewing life experiences as a 'negative' or 'positive', simply see them all as 'experience'. This experience has true value; it is our foundation, our treasure, our library from which we draw upon as we enter into our wisdom years and beyond.
As Mother Maya Tiwari says, " Your experience is your gold. When you recognize the value of your Karma, you can mine it"
This critical mass may with any luck will give us a world of strong empowered wise women, owning their power and perhaps just saving our planet in the process. As the Hopi prophecy says, "When the grandmother's speak the Earth will be healed".
The following 4 simple keys can open the door to an enriched elder life and emotional freedom in our wisdom years.
1. Reflect - on our life experiences without judgement.
Taking time to reflect does not mean going back or living in the past. On the contrary, it gives us a hindsight opportunity to revisit our past and to see how we'd have done some things differently, with the enriched perspective of who we are now. It's an opportunity to acknowledge our past in a loving and kindly way without judgement.
2. Release - letting go of what no longer nourishes us.
Gentle therapeutic yoga and Yin Yoga can support the release of tension, stress, repressed emotions and past trauma. It's also important to let go of 'toxic' relationships and remove anything that keeps us stuck or stagnant, preventing us from being our true authentic self.
It is essential to release what is no longer needed and apply this to all area's of our lives, which means this is an optimum time to clear out closets and old belongings, making space for all that is new to enter.
3. Reclaim - forgotten dreams and life purpose.
Meditate on your lost dreams and hopes, you may want to imagine the people whom you gave away your power to, returning it back to you. This can be symbolic, for instance, you may see your power being returned to you as white doves or colourful butterflies that surround and lift you. Now is the time to reclaim your forgotten gifts and talents. This is often some form of creativity you once enjoyed at one point, that became buried and forgotten when 'life' took over.
It is important to reclaim this creativity back into our lives and nurture and nourish it to feed our soul purpose once more.
4. Revitalize - your vital energy through yoga, health and wellness solutions.
Cooling pranayama breathing techniques such as Sitali breath, and gentle restorative asana practices can be very beneficial for our changing bodies at this time as yoga is a great way to support hormone balance and provides an alternative to hormone therapy.
Do what ever revitalizes you, whether it is to walk, rest and sleep, eat or take more time by yourself. Now is the time to love everything about you, to own your life choices and allow them a space that makes you feel vital and present.
Instead of viewing life experiences as a 'negative' or 'positive', simply see them all as 'experience'. This experience has true value; it is our foundation, our treasure, our library from which we draw upon as we enter into our wisdom years and beyond.
As Mother Maya Tiwari says, " Your experience is your gold. When you recognize the value of your Karma, you can mine it"
This critical mass may with any luck will give us a world of strong empowered wise women, owning their power and perhaps just saving our planet in the process. As the Hopi prophecy says, "When the grandmother's speak the Earth will be healed".
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